Where I've been in sin; Where I may go in Christ

Where I've been in sin; Where I may go in Christ

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Timidity vs. Boldness

My group had a very good discussion last night. We talked about fear and timidity as Christians. One guy is in a new dorm where he doesn't know very many people. He is use to reading his Bible out on the yard to give his cell-mate some room but in this new environment he has been reluctant to do so. He doesn't want to seem weak or like a "Jesus Freak." There is gang related pressure as well as people who might see him as a target. We talked about balancing boldness with wisdom and discussed 2 Timothy 1:7-9. It is difficult to find a balance between being bold and being pushy. Jesus did attract people, but He also turned a lot of people off. Maybe the same should be said of us? Any thoughts?

Another man in my group has a Muslim friend that he has discussions with. It seems like a good sign that his friend is asking him questions. Sometimes he brings those questions to the group to bounce them off of us. Hopefully the friend will just come to group one of these nights.

All of this spawned from a book we are reading on the holiness of God. It was a great chapter that explained how God's holiness makes people uncomfortable. Do we live the holy lives that we are called to live (1Th 4:7)? If not then why not?

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